Why Us

For all Freight-Related Solution

Why customers Love us?

Customers have so many reasons to love us. We provide the best of carriers to their freight just like some match-maker website. We come up with all of their freight-related solutions; we are practically freight doctors here. We provide best of our services at reasonable prices and we do all that in just a matter of time because we here value time the most. So yes customers have so many reasons to love us.

Why choose our service?

Now, out of all other companies if you have picked us then it is our duty to provide you with best of our services and that we shall do with all our hearts. Our services include A to Z of freight management right from the point of choosing the best carrier for you and till the freight has been delivered to your place. Customers are usually worried about fair price, quality service, safety and that are what carriers are worried about that is fair pay, good service, and their safety which “Value Logistics” ensures. When we say wherever you may be we can reach you and also the destination you require then we really mean it. In the whole North America, we can reach every house, every mill and we can get your freight delivered on time, with security.

More than


Locations of Service

More than


Trucks in The Fleet

More than


Loads in The Fleet

More than


Shipped Items and Counting

Value Logistics sparks innovation that moves our customers and industry forward by actively engaging in innovative networks.

We can be your great business partner and help you grow quickly.

Note! Value Logistics Inc never use Personal E-mail account for booking load. We always use our domain which is @valueloads.com. WE DO NOT USE GMAIL OR ANY OTHER FREE PUBLIC DOMAIN (like gmail.com, yahoo.com, Hotmail.com, live.com etc.) for our business communication. If you have received any call and/or email that looks suspicious, immediately report it to us at vl@valueloads.com or call us at (678)-503-7708/(678)-487-5508 or Fax at (678)-666-3088. Do not haul any load without rate confirmation. Value Logistics Inc is not and will not be responsible for loads booked / moved without our consent.